Certified Packaging Professional Award
The Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) is the highest designation for a packaging professional offered by IPSA, and is an excellent investment in your professional development.
This credential defines the packaging professional and enables organisations to seek out and hire the right professional based on verified knowledge, skills and industry contributions. Using the CPP programme to assess and evaluate one's professional competency validates you as a truly qualified packaging professional at an international standard.
Retaining your CPP designation is dependant on earning sufficient Continuing Professional Development points (CPD points) as well as being a current member of the Institute of Packaging SA in good standing.
The CPP programme offered by IPSA is administered by the IoPP under the direction and endorsement of the WPO.

Click HERE to view, download and print the CPP brochure


The Three-Tiered Education Programme
The Overview to Packaging Technology (OPT) course offers a seamless introduction to the more in-depth content of the Institute’s One Year Diploma in Packaging Technology (OYD). The Advanced Packaging Diploma (APD) is aimed at those either being prepared, or preparing themselves, for management level positions in the packaging industry. The new Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) award is the highest designation offered by IPSA for the packaging professional. 


Click HERE to view, download and print the Study Enrolment Form

